Friday, April 13, 2012

On my Walk...

I've started walking again. that's not to say I couldn't walk before. I mean for exercise, stress relief, health, sanity. You get the idea. I bought an iPod a few weeks ago. It's still in the box. I want to badly to listen to music on my walk but I'm afraid I'll lose some of the stuff in my head. As I told my husband the other day, everything starts out all jumbled up then as I walk and figure things out, reaarange them, organize them; everything clears up and it's almost as if I've already gotten something done, had this conversation, etc. I walk fast (I think). I walk the same route usually (after I drop the kids off at school). I walk for a half hour. I think this enough for now, until I need more. I probably won't lose weight (though it would be a nice side effect) but I will probably be healthier. And for now, that's enough.

1 comment:

  1. I often wish there was a "black box" for my brain when I run.... So many insights come to me but they disappear before I can get home and write them down - as if when I walk through the door I have any shot at writing them down! If you come up with a brain memorize-r while you are out walking, please let me know!
